
Well, today is a snow day here in Ontario(with a -41 wind chill) so needless to say, I’m a little bored. It’s come to my attention that I haven’t posted on here in, well.. months. So I figured now’s as good of a time as any, right? Right. I’m not entirely sure what I want to write about, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out somewhere along the way. What I really want to be writing is a novel that I have an idea for, but whenever I open up Microsoft Word Starter to begin everything I type magically seems to turn to rubbish. Hopefully writing here will help get my mind working.

I’m not sure why I’m so bored, there’s a million things I could be doing, even inside on a blistering cold day like today the possibilities are endless. I have a great amount of fanfiction and books I could be reading, tons of tv series to catch up on, as well as lots of Youtube videos I could be watching. I could even go for rewatching Sherlock right about now(when he’s bored he shoots the wall or solves crimes, hmm…) Although all of those options are perfectly adequate none of them are overly appealing. Right now writing seems to be the only thing I’m finding the least bit entertaining, and even then I’m still pretty unsatisfied. I guess today is just one of those days.

Perhaps I should do some cleaning or reorganize my room? Ha! Fat chance of that happening! Hopefully I do end up at least planning my novel out a little. Even if it ends up just being a short story I’ll be satisfied. Anyways, I should probably go do that now and stop complaining about being bored!

Anyways, here’s a picture of Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock from S03E02 “The Sign Of Three” to help get you through the day(or night, time zones always get me.) Stay warm & stay safe! x
